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Cyber Security
for Academia, Media & NGOs

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Improve your cyber security posture and resilience

CSEC has a main goal of improving the cyber security posture and cyber security resilience of its constituents. 
It accomplishes so with an array of services aimed toward assisting constituents to prepare for cyber security threats and help them respond to cyber security incidents.
Additional CSEC activities will focus on education, workforce development and raising awareness of the importance of cyber security.




Advice &

Academic knowledge. Practical expertise.

CSEC team consists of both very experienced practical experts in the fields of IT infrastructure, security, networking and incident response as well as highly educated experts in cyber security, cyber governance and threat reporting.

Our team members are alumni of prestigious world universities such as Cranfield, Purdue, Zagreb, Belgrade, Banja Luka and Sarajevo and have combined more than 100 years of experience.

Academic expertise allows CSEC to implement best practices, share knowledge with constituents, and helps CSEC to be prepared for any cybersecurity and cybercrime issue. Meanwhile, practical expertise gained through the blue team and red team activities enables an effective response should any cybersecurity incidents arise.

CSECs team is well known in the region and in the CSIRT community which allows for prompt communication and coordination to achieve quick incident resolution.

Our Partners

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Are You Ready to Secure Your Data?

There are only two types of organisations. There are those who've been hacked and those who don't know they've been hacked.

James B. Comey, Former FBI Director


t. +387 33 448 280


a. Gradačačka 114

    Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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The establishment of CSEC has been supported by the UK Government.

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